Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is there a charge for public education?
Education is tuition-free in California. Schools are primarily financed by local property taxes and state funds.
2. How do I enroll my child in school?
Parents who are new to the area, reside within the District's attendance boundaries and are enrolling a student in CUSD for the first time are encouraged to visit the school website, click on the "New Student Online Enrollment" link and begin the on-line enrollment process.
You will need the following information for on-line enrollment:
- A valid address in the cities served by Capistrano Unified School District
- A valid email address
- General information about your student
- Name, address, and District of the previous school
- Parent/Guardian's home/work phone and address
- Name and phone number of emergency contacts
- Immunization dates
- Local physician name and phone number
Once the online process is complete, print and take the enrollment completion verification document, immunization record, and two required proofs of residency (current gas or electric bill and a mortgage statement or rental agreement) to the school office at which time staff will verify the information and complete the enrollment process. School offices close for summer and re-open in mid-August. More information on traditional enrollment procedures.
3. What immunizations are required?
For important information about immunization requirements for children, please see Health Support Information. Call (949) 234-9574 with questions.
4. Do I have a choice of school for my child?
If parents wish to have their child attend a school other than the neighborhood school, they may apply to do so under the School of Choice Program. For more information, call the Open Enrollment Hotline at (949) 234-9335, or visit here.
5. Are there advanced academic achievement opportunities?
All schools offer Gifted and Talented, or advanced programs, for eligible students in grades 3-12. Students are identified for GATE based on assessed intellectual abilities and overall school performance. More information or call (949) 234-9236.
6. Are alternative education and special education programs available?
Alternative education programs are available, such as the Capistrano Home School program. Special Education programs and services are available to eligible students throughout the District. Your school principal has more information on all alternative and special education programs.
7. Does Capistrano Unified approve Charter schools as authorized under state law?
The Board of Trustees of Capistrano Unified has approved five charter schools to operate in the district. Charter schools are required to submit an annual report and audit to the Board of Trustees. Click Here for more information on Charter Schools.
8. Where can I get more information?
In general, call your neighborhood school first. Offices are open from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. from early August to June 30. You may also call the CUSD Education Center throughout the year between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at (949) 234-9200. Information about almost all aspects of the district is available on this website.