Microsoft Office Licensing
Microsoft A1 and A3 licenses provide access to Office 365 services, with some key differences. A1 licenses provide web-based access to essential Office applications such as Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, whereas A3 licenses offer both web and desktop versions, enabling users to install and use Office 365 applications on their devices.
The following positions are assigned Microsoft A1 licenses, providing them with access to Office 365 via the web. Desktop shortcuts have been set up to ensure easy access to Office 365 online.
The following positions are assigned Microsoft A1 licenses, providing them with access to Office 365 via the web. Desktop shortcuts have been set up to ensure easy access to Office 365 online.
The following positions are assigned Microsoft A1 licenses, providing them with access to Office 365 via the web. Desktop shortcuts have been set up to ensure easy access to Office 365 online.
- ASB Worker (Athletic)
- ASB Worker (Non-Athletic)
- Bindery Worker
- Blngl Para-Educator I
- Blngl Para-Educator II
- Blngl Para-Educator III
- Blngl Paraeducator IV
- Boys Athl/Equip Lckr Rm Attn
- Cif
- Custodian I
- Custodian II
- Custodian III
- Custodian IV
- Elem Student Supervisor
- Food Service Professional
- Gls Athl/Equip Lckr Rm Attn
- Grounds Equipment Operator
- Groundskeeper
- Heavy Duty Mechanic
- Heavy Equipment Operator
- HS Campus Supervisor
- Hvac & Refer Technician
- HVAC Asst
- Infant/Tddlr Chldcare Prov
- Irrigation Spec
- Ld Fs Prof
- Lead Carpenter
- Lead Electrician
- Lead Groundskeeper
- Lead HVAC Technician
- Lead Painter
- Lead Plumber
- Maintenance Carpenter
- Maintenance Electrician
- Maintenance Locksmith
- Maintenance Painter
- Maintenance Plumber
- Maintenance Welder
- Maintenance Worker
- MS Campus Supervisor
- Para V Behavior Support
- Para-Educator I
- Para-Educator II
- Para-Educator III
- Para-Educator IV
- Pesticide Applicatr Technician
- Pool Maintenance Technician
- School Bus Driver
- School Bus Driver Trainee
- School Counselor Intern
- Storekeeper/Delivery Driver
- Sub Account Clerk III
- Sub Activities Account Clerk
- Sub Administrator
- Sub Benefits Tech
- Sub Bilingual Presch Tchr
- Sub Blngl Comm Svcs Liaison
- Sub Clerk
- Sub Counselor
- Sub Custodian
- Sub Elem Library Media Tech
- Sub Elem School Clerk
- Sub Elem School Office Mgr
- Sub Elem Student Supervisor
- Sub Food Service Professionals
- Sub Groundskeeper
- Sub Guidance Tech
- Sub HS Campus Supervisor
- Sub Inst Asst-Preschool
- Sub Inst Asst-Preschool 12+
- Sub Intermediate Office Asst
- Sub LVN
- Sub MS Campus Supervisor
- Sub MS Library Media Cntr Tech
- Sub MS Office Mgr
- Sub Occupational Therapist
- Sub Para-Educator I
- Sub Para-Educator II
- Sub Para-Educator III
- Sub Para-Educator IV
- Sub Preschool Teacher
- Sub Principal
- Sub Psychologist
- Sub School Bus Driver
- Sub School Clerk I
- Sub Slpa
- Sub Snr IBI Asst/Tutor
- Sub Speech Pathologist
- Sub Storekeeper Delivery Drivr
- Sub Teacher
- Sub Tech Asst Spec
- Sub Technology Suppt Spec I
- Substitute Teacher
- Vehicle Maintenance Lead
The following positions are assigned Microsoft A3 licenses, which provide access to the installed version of Office 365. Shortcuts to Office 365 are available in their taskbar for easy access.
The following positions are assigned Microsoft A3 licenses, which provide access to the installed version of Office 365. Shortcuts to Office 365 are available in their taskbar for easy access.
The following positions are assigned Microsoft A3 licenses, which provide access to the installed version of Office 365. Shortcuts to Office 365 are available in their taskbar for easy access.
- Account Clerk II
- Account Clerk III
- Accounting Technician I
- Accounting Technician II
- Activities Account Clerk
- Additional Assignment Admin
- Assistant Buyer
- Attendance Clerk
- Attendance/Account Technician
- Avid Tutor
- Benefits Technician
- Blngl Alt Ed Office Manager
- Blngl Community Srvcs Liaison
- Blngl District Receptionist
- Blngl Inst Asst-Preschool
- Blngl Intermediate Office Asst
- Blngl Preschool Teacher
- Blngl Preschool Teacher
- Blngl Snr Staff Secretary
- Blngl Special Prgm Liaison
- Blngl Staff Secretary
- Blngl Transportation Srvc Spec
- Board of Trustees
- Braille Transcriber
- Buyer
- Buyer/Planner
- CCA Staff
- College Career Counselor
- Counselor
- Early Interv Transition Spec
- Early Learning Coach
- Elem Library Media Technician
- Enrollment Technician
- Facilities Planning Technician
- Family Resource Center Liaison
- Guidance Technician
- Head Academic Advisor
- Health Asst
- HS Library Media Clerk
- HS Library Media Tech
- Inst Asst-Preschool
- Inst Materials Spec
- Inst Music Asst
- Intermediate Office Asst
- Intrprter For Hearing Impaired
- Job Technician I
- Lead Food Service Professional
- Lead Accounting Technician
- Lead Testing Asst
- Lead Theater Technician
- Lead Warehouse Worker (Fd Srv)
- M&O Storekeeper
- Mental Health & Beh Suppt Spec
- MS Library Media Technician
- Nurse District Wide
- Nursing Spec
- Occupational Therapists
- Occupational Therapists Asst
- Office Managers
- Para V Behavior Support
- Payroll Spec
- Personnel Asst
- Physical Therapist
- Presch Tchr/Site Facilitator
- Preschool Resource Teacher-CL
- Preschool Resource Teacher-CL
- Preschool Teacher
- Preschool Teacher
- Registrar
- Reprographics Technician
- School Bus Driver Route Spec
- School Clerks
- School Receptionist
- School Secretary I
- School Secretary II
- Senior Press Technician
- Senior Staff Secretary
- Snr Payroll Specialist
- Special Ed Legal Spec
- Special Project & Grants Tech
- Speech & Lang Pathology Asst
- Staff Secretary
- State Cert Instructor
- Student Records Administrator
- Teacher Adaptive Pe
- Teacher Community Day School
- Teacher Elementary
- Teacher Hearing Impaired
- Teacher High School
- Teacher Home
- Teacher Middle School
- Teacher Music (Itinerant)
- Teacher Non-Categorical
- Teacher On Special Assignment
- Teacher Orientation/Mobility
- Teacher Resource Specialist
- Teacher Special Ed
- Teacher Special Ed (Non Cat)
- Teacher Special Ed (Sed)
- Teacher Special Ed (Sh)
- Teacher Visually Handicapped
- TIS (Not in CUMA)
- Trans Inventory Storekeeper
- Transportation Dispatcher
- Transportation Route Planner
- Use Of Facilities & Op Spec
- Psychologist
- Speech Pathologist
- Theater Technician
- Lead Food Service Professional
- Para V Behavior Support