Interdistrict Transfer Requests
The Interdistrict Transfer process is required for any student wishing to attend a school outside their district. This process starts with your District of Residency. If your transfer is approved you must reapply annually. Both districts must approve the transfer before a student can attend their desired school. |
Due to the high volume of applications received, we cannot confirm receipt of the hard copy application or the status of an application.
Approval and denial notifications will be sent to the email address on the application once a decision has been made.
Per California Education Code 46600.1 and 46600.2:
Future year request applications received from April 8, 2024, to August 2, 2024, will be notified as soon as possible, but up to 14 calendar days after the new term begins. Applications received on or after August 3, 2024, will be notified within 30 days of receiving the application.
- An approved Interdistrict transfer must be in effect between the district of residence and the school district of desired attendance before a student can attend the desired school.
- When a student's residence is changed, the parent or guardian shall notify the school of the change in residence within two weeks and provide the required proof of residency documentation.
- Transportation, if needed, shall be the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
- Childcare, if needed, shall be the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
- Students admitted to CUSD under the Interdistrict transfer process shall be assigned to schools where space is available at the discretion and determination of CUSD administration.
- All students and schools are subject to all California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) athletic eligibility rules and regulations. Approved transfers should not be understood to mean that any CIF rules or regulations have been waived.
- A student, parent, or guardian found to have given a false address and/or other pertinent data as a basis for enrollment in any school in the district shall have the transfer revoked. The revocation shall be immediate and notice promptly given to the student and parent/guardian.
- If an Interdistrict transfer request is denied, you have the opportunity to request to appeal the decision with the District’s Admissions and Discharge Committee within 10 calendar days of the denial notification.
- If an Interdistrict transfer appeal request remains denied, you have the opportunity to appeal the decision to OCDE within 30 calendar days.
- The transfer committee will consider transfer requests based on the date the request was submitted and the reasons given for requesting the transfer. If an outgoing transfer request is denied, the parent will receive a denial notification from Student Services.
- If approved, transfers will be granted based on space availability after all students residing within CUSD are placed.
- CUSD reserves the right to deny incoming transfer requests or release students. Some of the reasons for denials may include the following reasons:
- Adverse impact on ethnic balance;
- Insufficient state aid;
- Lack of documentation concerning employment within the identified district;
- Lack of facilities either district-wide or in a specific attendance area/school;
- Lack of suitable or impacted Special Education programs;
- Student history of unsatisfactory attendance; behavior, or academic performance.
- CUSD reserves the right to revoke an approved Interdistrict transfer for grades TK-10 for unsatisfactory attendance, behavior, or academic performance.
- Interdistrict transfer applications are required if the student is a first-time applicant in grades 11 or 12.
- If a parent/guardian fails to meet any of the timelines associated with Interdistrict Transfers, including submitting the required supporting documents or requesting an appeal, the request shall be deemed abandoned.
For questions, other than confirmation of receipt or status of an application, please email: