School Attendance Review Board

The purpose of School Attendance Review Board (SARB) is to provide a coordinated community effort to meet the needs of those students with school attendance problems. Pursuant to Education Code 48200, every child from ages 6 to 18 is required to attend school on a regular basis. Students who have continued attendance problems, along with their parents, are required to attend a hearing with the SARB Panel. The SARB Panel consists of school officials as well as representatives of law enforcement, social services, and community organizations.
The goal of the SARB Hearing is to review the student’s attendance issues and offer alternative solutions and community resources to help remediate the student’s attendance problem. Referrals to specific community agencies and/or changes to the student’s school program may be made. Parents and students will be asked to sign an attendance agreement requiring improved student attendance. If these efforts fail to bring a solution to the problem, SARB can make a referral to The Truancy Mediation Program (TMP) or the Orange County District Attorney’s Office.
Steps Leading to a SARB Hearing:
When a student reaches the following number of unexcused absences/truancies, tardies, or early-outs greater than 30 minutes the following will take place:
1. 3 or more days elementary/9 or more periods (over at least 3 days) middle school/9 or more periods (over at least 3 days) high school:
- The student is classified as a truant
- SARB letter #1 is mailed home to the parent/guardian
2. 8 or more days elementary/48 or more periods middle school/24 or more periods high school:
- The student is classified as a repeat truant
- SARB letter #2 is mailed home to the parent/guardian
- A School Attendance Team Meeting (SART) is scheduled with a school administrator, the parent/guardian and the student
- A SART Attendance Contract is signed
3. 14 or more days elementary/84 or more periods middle school/42 or more periods high school:
- Student is classified as a habitual truant
- SARB letter #3 is mailed to the parent/guardian
- The parent/guardian and the student are required to attend a presentation by with the District Attorney at the school District office
4. 3 or more absences following the District Attorney meeting:
- The parent/guardian and student may be required to attend a SARB Hearing
- The parent/guardian and the student will a sign a SARB Hearing Contract
5. 4 or more absences following the SARB Hearing:
- A referral is made to the Orange County Truancy Mediation Program
- Failure to complete the Truancy Mediation Program may result in a referral to the District Attorney
If you have questions regarding your student’s attendance, please contact the school attendance office.
If you have additional questions regarding the SARB process, please contact:
Jenna Perry
SARB Coordinator
(949) 234-9200