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Work Order System

Facilitron Works:

The Maintenance & Operations Department's mission is to support District sites.  The most efficient way services can be provided in a timely way is through utilizing M&O's automated work order system. 
So what happens to all those work orders? This is the process:
  • A work order is submitted to the Maintenance & Operations Department
  • Assigned staff review each request, obtaining more complete information from the site if needed
  • Pictures are appreciated and help expedite processing
  • If approved, the work order is scheduled; if it is "declined," the reason is entered in the "Comments" section of the work order.
  • Work orders are completed in priority order and first in, first out
  • M&O will set or adjust the work order priority based on the type of request (see priority list below). The default on the work order is medium unless the requestor selects something different from the dropdown menu. REFER TO THE WORK ORDER FOR UPDATES
  • When contacting M&O for updates, always reference the work order number
*Note:  If the work is an emergency, the site should call the M&O office immediately and then submit a work order, noting that M&O was called
Work Order Priority Definitions

Work Order Priority Definitions

Emergency (Immediate Attention Required)
Emergency conditions that affect safety or health. Emergency conditions that immediately affect the continued performance of the academic, student, and administrative services; for example, loss of power, loss of water, elevator malfunctions, floods, and utility services not functioning properly
Safety (Typically Complete within 1 week)
Conditions that represent a potential safety or health hazard; situations that are not an immediate danger, but could become one with continued use or stress; for example, loose handrails, inoperable door hardware, damaged stair treads.
High (Typically Complete is 1-2 weeks)
As determined by M&O
Medium (Typically Complete within 2-4 weeks)
Routine maintenance, non-emergency service calls, and set-ups. Most service requests fall into this category and will be scheduled in accordance with the availability of personnel, materials, and resources. On occasion, material availability may extend the time frame.
Maintenance work that has been identified in advance, but cannot be completed at the time of identification because of heavy facility use, material procurement, availability of M&O staff.
Low (Typically Complete is 4-8 weeks)
As determined by M&O
Scheduled (As scheduled)
May include Preventative Maintenance. Includes planned preventative maintenance routines and programs, including air filter changes, fire alarm testing, painting, mechanical equipment service, etc.
Projects that may involve planning and design work. Deferred Maintenance and or Site Improvement Project requests. This process requires a Cost Estimate to be performed by M&O Management or to provide the requester of the project with a budget estimate.
AR 3.12 Maintenance Work Orders

AR 3.12 Maintenance Work Orders

    • 1.1 To clarify procedures for requesting repair, maintenance, or renovation services from the District’s Maintenance and Operations Department (M&O)
    • 1.2 To provide data and records to track, plan, and allocate labor, schedules, staff, and funds
    • 1.3 To substantiate all maintenance labor, materials, and costs
2.0 ACTION  
    • 2.1 All requests for repair, renovation, upgrade, or modification to school facilities are to be submitted to M&O via SchoolDude    
    • 2.2 All emergency work orders must be called to the M&O office immediately and followed up with a work order.  An emergency is considered if it involves one of the following: 
        • a.  Safety of students, visitors, or staff
        • b.  Immediate protection of facilities, including equipment, structures, or grounds
        • c.  Immediate attention for issues that compromise ongoing education, such as graffiti removal; loss of power or telephone; gas or water leaks; broken locks or windows; etc.    
    • 2.3 All work orders submitted for non-emergency work requiring extensive funding, resources, planning, labor, fabrication, alteration, moving, or development of related items prior to implementation, are reviewed for feasibility.  An explanation will be entered on the work order if work is not approved 
    • 2.4 All work orders resulting from vandalism must include a vandalism number assigned by the site.  Per district policy, a Vandalism Report must also be completed and forwarded to the Insurance Department with a copy to M&O
    • 2.5 Audiovisual equipment, tools, or other items costing less than $1,000 are generally considered beyond economic repair.  Electronic equipment, such as televisions, computers, etc., contained hazardous materials and must be disposed of in accordance with District policy
    • 2.6 Computer equipment service and repair needs are handled through the Technology and Information Systems Department via the RADAR desk, not M&O.  
    • 2.7 Sites are responsible for reviewing and tracking the status of work orders they submit via the online system   
    • 2.8 Major repairs, renovations, remodels, moves, or other projects of large scope are overseen and inspected for safety, quality, and completion by the Executive Director, M&O, or designee