General Health Benefits Information

Are you considering applying for a position with CUSD?
Are you are an existing employee who is becoming benefit eligible?
Were recently hired in a benefit eligible position?
Review the current information regarding insurance coverage below.
- Current Medical Plans
- Curent Dental Plans
- Current Vision Plan
- Current Health Benefit Rates by Bargaining Unit (CSEA, TEAMSTERS, CUEA, and CUMA).
- Health premiums are deducted on a tenthly basis (which means you have each deduction ten times out of the year but your coverage is for the full twelve months in a year).
- Guest Login for MyVEBA
- Guest ID: CAPUSD
- Who is VEBA? They are the trust that administers our insurance.
- Guest ID: CAPUSD
Who is eligible for health benefits?
- Permanent employees (not Temporary employees: ex. substitutes, ASB workers, Testing Assistants) who work at least 20 hours per week or have a 50% contract (or more).
Where can I see a list of open positions for CUSD?
- Visit EdJoin to see what positions are currently open via online applications through our Human Resource Services department.
When would health benefits become effective?
- New Hires: Health benefits would become effective first of the month following the end of your thirty day enrollment period.
- ex. Hire date: February 1, 2024, Health benefit enrollment paperwork due: March 3, 2024, Health benefits become effective: April 1, 2024.
- Existing Employees (Part-time to benefit eligible or rehires within thirty-nine months): Benefits would become effecitve the first of the following month.
- ex. Hire date: February 1, 2024, Health benefit enrollment paperwork due: March 3, 2024, Health benefits become effective: March 1, 2024.
Can I add dependents to my coverage?
- Yes, you can add legal dependents to your medical, dental, and/ or vision coverage.
- However, your dependents coverage must mirror your coverage. This means they cannot be enrolled in coverage that you are not enrolled in.
- Review who is considered to be a legal dependent and what documentation is needed (copies, not originals).
How do I sign up for health benefits?
- New Hires/ Newly Health Benefit Eligible: Once you have completed the onboarding process through Human Resource Services, they will sign you up to attend a health benefits orientation with our department.
- Existing Health Benefit Eligible Employees that Previously Declined/ WAIVED Coverage: Visit our home page and scroll down to the 'Qualifying Life Events' information.