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Education & Support Services


An unwavering commitment to student success

Assessment Procedure

Information about your child may be gathered in different ways . . . by talking to people who know him or her, including doctors and other professionals . . . by conferring with classroom teachers. . . by meeting with you . . . by observing your child, and. . . by administering tests. The team does not use any single procedure as the sole criterion for determining whether a child is has a disability or determining an appropriate educational program.
Your first-hand knowledge of your child is important information. Talk to members of the assessment team about your own observations of your child’s behavior, strengths, and needs. If your child’s primary language is a language other than English, the assessment may include tests administered in the primary language by a bilingual specialist or a language interpreter working with a specialist. The assessment involves collecting educationally relevant health, developmental and medical findings, if any, as well as data in the areas of suspected disability from qualified district personnel and the parents.
Before the school can begin an individual assessment for a child, parents must be informed about the purpose for which it is being done and the methods or techniques that will be used. Parents must sign the assessment plan before the assessment can begin. You will be provided with written assessment report(s) at the IEP meeting. The report will state the basis for making a determination of eligibility for special education