Ethnic Studies

The Purpose of ethnic studies
The Purpose of ethnic studies
The Purpose of ethnic studies
To foster understanding, respect, and empathy among students by exploring diverse histories, cultures, and perspectives.
Assembly Bill 101 requires that all local education agencies begin offering an ethnic studies course by the 2025-26 school year and establishes its place as a California graduation requirement beginning in 2029-2030. Read the January 15th Board Report here.
"By affirming the identities and contributions of marginalized groups in our society, ethnic studies helps students see themselves and each other as part of the narrative of the United States. This helps students see themselves as active agents in the interethnic bridge-building process we call American life." -From the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (8)
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Here are sources that are being used to assist the committee in developing week-long lessons for each topic. These are subject to change as staff moves forward with more developed versions of the lessons.