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Safety & Student Services


An unwavering commitment to student success

Capistrano Unified School District's School of Choice program allows families within the CUSD boundaries to apply for enrollment at another CUSD school of their choice. Current CUSD students can apply during the School of Choice Application Window. Students new to the district have the opportunity to apply for School of Choice at the time of enrollment.



February 3 - March 2, 2025

The School of Choice application window has closed, and we can no longer accept applications for the 2025-2026 school year.


You must live within CUSD boundaries. If you do not live within the CUSD boundaries please click here to find more information about Inter-District transfers. 
How You Are Notified 
  • Approval and denial notification emails will be sent to all parent/guardian emails associated with the student (not including emergency contacts, physicians, or out-of-state contacts) by April 11, 2025
  • The status will not be provided before notifications are emailed.
If You Are Approved
  • The approved School of Choice is now considered your school of record.
  • The School of Choice agreement is in effect for the duration of a child’s years at the requested school. You do not need to reapply annually.
  • You are giving up your child’s space at his/her school of residence.  To request a return to the school of residence, you must re-apply for School of Choice the following school year during the online application period. Acceptance back into the home school is not guaranteed.
Kindergarten parents should attend the home school’s kindergarten orientation meeting.  The information given will be standard throughout the District, so there is no need to attend the requested school’s orientation as well. 

Secondary School Electives
For secondary students choosing their courses/electives for the next school year, please select your courses with your school of residence.  If approved to the requested school, those selections will be automatically sent to the approved school.  The approved school will do its best to accommodate the requests after all in-boundary students are placed.

Transportation to any school other than the home school is the responsibility of the parents. Students approved for School of Choice are not eligible for District bussing.

Changed My Mind
If you need to change or cancel your application, please email  Please note this can only be done during the open window.  Make sure to include your application number in your email. For general questions please read over the FAQ before emailing, as many of your questions can be answered there. 

I Agree
If you applied and received an approval to your requested school, please note that the approved school is now your School of Record and there is no rescinding or canceling the approval, as part of the application process was agreeing to the following:
I have read and understand the guidelines which govern Board Policy 5119:  School of Choice    
I understand that I am making a commitment for my child to attend the School of Choice
I understand that home-to-school transportation is the responsibility of the parent, and I cannot apply for a CUSD bus pass.
I understand that the above-named student may be transferred back to his/her school of residence for any of the following reasons:  (1) unsatisfactory attendance; (2) continual tardiness; (3) failure of the parent/guardian to make adequate transportation arrangements; (4) unsatisfactory academic performance: (5) unsatisfactory behavior; (6) no longer residing within CUSD boundaries.
I understand all School of Choice decisions are final.  There is no appeal process for School of Choice denials. 
If approved, the initial School of Choice agreement is in effect for the duration of a child’s years at the requested school. You do not need to reapply annually.
I understand that approved applications are valid until the student matriculates to the next level (i.e. elementary school to middle school or middle school to high school).
I understand there is no rescinding of an application once approved for School of Choice.  Any requests to return to the home school must apply for School of Choice in the following school year.
I understand that if this student is approved to the requested school, it DOES NOT guarantee approval for siblings in the future.
All information on this application is current and true. I understand that if any information on this application is found to be false, this School of Choice application is VOID and my student will be immediately returned to their school of residence.
I understand that I can only apply for School of Choice once per school year, either during the annual application window or at the time of enrollment with CUSD as a new student. 
Unfortunately, if you applied and were denied, there is no appeals process or completing an additional application.
Changing Schools Outside of The School of Choice Window
Transfers outside of the annual application window for students already enrolled in CUSD must go through a process called Administrative Placement.  These types of transfers are for serious and compelling reasons why the student needs to leave their current school of enrollment.  This document explains the process of requesting Administrative Placement by starting with the current school of enrollment administration.  These transfer requests can take up to 10 business days for a decision once received by Student Services.
Please be advised that school choice and possible placement does not determine CIF eligibility. Parents with questions should make sure they contact CIF or their school’s athletic director for clarification regarding changing schools and the impact of transfer to their student’s athletic eligibility under CIF rules.
By Laws and standards of eligibility/transfer and  can be found here in the CIF Blue Book
Since the program began more than 20 years ago, more than 90 percent of our parents annually choose to have their child remain at their home school, which is the local school serving their child’s attendance area. For a variety of personal or educational reasons, however, some parents prefer to have their child attend another school within the District. Our program provides parents with this option on a space-available basis. Detailed information describing each school and its academic offerings is available on their websites.
Parents of high-school student athletes are urged to learn more about CIF sports eligibility requirements prior to pursuing the School Of Choice process so that there will be no misunderstanding regarding sports participation rules. Transportation to any school other than the home school is the responsibility of parents.